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Huber Heights, Nevada

Huber Heights Project

Located in Northern Elko County’s historic Mountain City Mining District in Nevada, Huber Heights is a highly prospective land package that fits well with our strategy

Excellent Access to Infrastructure and Logistics

Minimal Exploration Since the 1950s Uranium Boom: Numerous uranium mineralized occurrences were discovered and worked during this period

Strategic Positioning: Adjacent to the high-grade, historic Race Track uranium mine and contiguous to Kraken Energy Corp.’s (UUSA) Huber Hills Property

The property is significantly under-explored by modern exploration technology

Huber Heights Project

Neighbouring the historic Race Track open pit mine, once Elko County’s largest uranium producer, which produced ~10,000 pounds of U3O8 grading 0.24% U3O8 

Claims cover multiple historic uranium showings and molybdenum prospects, including the Autunite and October uranium showings, and the Huber Hills Granite Ridge showings

Interpreted to host the western portion of the Mountain West Property, which has a historical resource of 1.1 million pounds U3O8 with an average grade of 0.153% U3O8

Rapid and cost-effective exploration activities such as drone magnetics, geological mapping, and radiometric prospecting should readily confirm existing targets and outline new anomalies

Alaska Project

Boulder Creek

Discovered in 1977 in western Alaska, by means of airborne radiometric data, Boulder Creek is the most northerly known sandstone-type property in the world which may host Uranium.

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